• We are certified according to the German organic seal.

  • We are certified according to the EU organic seal.

  • Der Grüne Punkt Beteiligung am dualen System myephelia

    We participate in packaging recycling.

  • We ship climate-friendly with DHL.

  • We mainly produce in Germany.

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Der Tee für wilde SelberEsser

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Unser Kindertee zur Beikost

ganz ohne Fenchel und perfekt auf die Bedürfnisse von Kleinkindern abgestimmt

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Meike und Jessica Radünz myEphelia my-ephelia myefelia efelia

Nice of you to come by!

We are Meike and Jessica and you can find out why this topic of pregnancy, birth and the postpartum period concerns us so much and what the aspect of midwifery assistance has to do with our startup and our products in our story.

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