Fieber im Wochenbett: Was sagt es über Ihre Gesundheit aus?

Postpartum fever: What does it say about your health?

Fever in the postpartum period: An overview

What is the postpartum period?

The postpartum period, also known as puerperium, is the period after the birth of a baby when the mother's body recovers from the exertions of pregnancy and childbirth. This phase usually lasts six to eight weeks. During this time, the body goes through various changes to support the involution of the uterus and other physical adjustments.

Definition of postpartum fever

Postpartum fever is defined as an elevated body temperature that occurs during the postpartum period. Normally, the body temperature is between 36.5°C and 37.5°C. Postpartum fever is diagnosed when the temperature rises above 38°C and lasts for at least two days.

Body temperature Condition
36.5°C - 37.5°C Normal
37.6°C - 38°C High temperature
Over 38°C Fever

Fever in the postpartum period can indicate several health problems, including infections and inflammation that can occur after childbirth. It is important to take fever during this period seriously and seek medical attention if necessary to avoid complications.

Causes of fever in the postpartum period

Fever in the postpartum period can have various causes. The most common are infections after birth and inflammation in the body.

Infections after birth

One of the most common causes of postpartum fever is infections that can occur after childbirth. These infections can occur in different places in the body and have different symptoms and degrees of severity.

Type of infection Frequency (%) Symptoms
Endometritis (inflammation of the uterine lining) 1-3 Fever, abdominal pain, foul-smelling discharge
Mastitis (breast inflammation) 3-20 Fever, swelling, redness, chest pain
Urinary tract infection 2-4 Fever, painful urination, frequent urge to urinate

These infections are often caused by bacteria that enter the body during or after birth. Careful hygiene and aftercare can help minimize the risk of such infections.

Inflammation in the body

In addition to infections, various inflammations in the body can also lead to fever during the postpartum period. These inflammations can be caused by physical stress and the hormonal changes after birth.

Type of inflammation Frequency (%) Symptoms
Thrombophlebitis (phlebitis) 0.1-0.2 Fever, pain, redness, swelling at the affected area
Pelvic peritonitis (inflammation of the pelvic area) Rarely Fever, severe abdominal pain, nausea

Inflammations can cause serious complications and should therefore be detected and treated early. Regular medical check-ups and good self-observation are important in order to detect possible inflammations in good time.

Identifying the causes of postpartum fever is crucial for prompt and effective treatment. Early diagnosis and appropriate measures can help prevent serious complications and protect the mother's health.

Symptoms of fever in the postpartum period

Signs and warning signals

During the postpartum period, women should look out for certain symptoms that may indicate fever. The most common signs include:

  • Increased body temperature (over 38°C)
  • chills
  • Tiredness or exhaustion
  • Headache
  • Muscle and joint pain
  • Malaise or general feeling of illness

It is important to take these symptoms seriously as they may indicate an underlying infection or inflammation.

symptom Description
Increased body temperature Over 38°C
chills Trembling and feeling cold
fatigue Exhaustion and weakness
Headache Persistent pain in the head area
Muscle aches Pain in muscles and joints
malaise General feeling of illness

When should you see a doctor?

There are certain situations in which it is necessary to seek medical attention to avoid serious complications. These include:

  • Persistent fever above 38°C for more than 24 hours
  • Severe pain in the lower abdomen or pelvic area
  • Foul-smelling vaginal discharge
  • Heavy bleeding or blood clots
  • Difficulty urinating or pain when urinating

In such cases, medical advice should be sought immediately to diagnose the cause of the fever and treat it accordingly.

situation Plot
Fever above 38°C for more than 24 hours Consult a doctor
Severe lower abdominal pain Consult a doctor
Foul-smelling discharge Consult a doctor
Heavy bleeding Consult a doctor
Pain when urinating Consult a doctor

Early detection and treatment of postpartum fever is crucial to protect the mother's health and minimize potential risks.

Diagnosis and treatment

How is postpartum fever diagnosed?

Postpartum fever is diagnosed through a combination of clinical examination and specific tests. The doctor will first take the patient's medical history and perform a physical examination, paying particular attention to vital signs such as temperature and heart rate, as well as possible sources of infection.

To determine the exact cause of the fever, various diagnostic procedures can be used:

  • Blood tests : Determination of inflammation values ​​(e.g. CRP, leukocyte count)
  • Urinalysis : Testing for urinary tract infections
  • Ultrasound : Checking the uterus for residual tissue or abscesses
  • Swabs : Taking samples from the vagina or cesarean section to identify bacteria
Diagnostic method Purpose
Blood tests Determine inflammation levels
Urinalysis Detecting urinary tract infections
Ultrasonic Check for residual tissue or abscesses
Smears Identify bacteria

Treatment options and measures

Treatment for postpartum fever depends on the underlying cause. Here are some common treatment options:

  • Antibiotics : For bacterial infections, antibiotics are prescribed to fight the infection.
  • Painkillers and fever reducers : Medicines such as paracetamol or ibuprofen can be used to relieve pain and reduce fever.
  • Hydration : Adequate hydration is important to support the body and promote recovery.
  • Physical rest : Rest and relaxation are essential to give the body the time it needs to heal.
  • Surgical intervention : In rare cases, such as abscesses or remaining tissue in the uterus, surgical intervention may be necessary.
Treatment method Purpose
Antibiotics Combating bacterial infections
Painkillers and fever reducers Relieve pain and reduce fever
Hydration Supporting the body and promoting recovery
Physical rest Enabling healing
Surgical interventions Removal of abscesses or residual tissue

Early and appropriate treatment of postpartum fever is crucial to prevent complications and promote rapid recovery.

Prevention of fever in the postpartum period

Tips for preventing infections

To avoid postpartum fever, it is important to take certain precautions to prevent infections. Here are some tips:

  • Washing hands : Regular and thorough hand washing with soap and water is crucial, especially after using the toilet and before handling the newborn.
  • Wound care : Make sure that all birth injuries, such as a perineal tear or cesarean section scar, are kept clean and dry. Use sterile dressings and change them regularly.
  • Clean environment : Keep your living environment clean. Bed linen and towels should be changed regularly and washed at high temperatures.
  • Healthy diet : A balanced diet strengthens the immune system and helps the body recover faster. Make sure you get enough vitamins and minerals.
  • Get enough rest : Give yourself and your body enough rest and sleep to support healing and strengthen your immune system.

Importance of aftercare and hygiene

Aftercare and hygiene play a crucial role in preventing postpartum fever. Here are some important aspects:

  • Regular doctor visits : Make sure you attend all scheduled follow-up appointments with your doctor or midwife. These regular check-ups will help detect and treat possible infections early.
  • Hygiene measures when caring for your baby : Make sure you are hygienic when caring for your baby. Use clean diapers and baby products and wash your hands before and after changing diapers.
  • Avoiding crowds : During the first few weeks after birth, it is advisable to avoid large crowds to minimize the risk of infection.
  • Physical rest : Avoid strenuous physical activity and do not lift heavy objects. Give your body the time it needs to recover.

By following these preventive measures, the risk of postpartum fever can be significantly reduced.

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